Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012...Where Did You Go?

I cannot believe 2012 is at its end. I wanted to let all of you applique fans know how much I truly appreciate all your support this year. I have enjoyed sewing for you. I had several repeat customers who I am  thankful for and lots of new ones too that I hope to work with again soon! I am planning on closing down my website this year, but will continue to have my domain name so it will direct you to my blog now. I will still be available at my Facebook page and Etsy!

There were several fun new appliques that I was able to try this year like aviator goggles, ski goggles, holly hobbies,  a scarecrow, and even some super hero logos. So many more, but the list would go on and that would be boring!

So, to thank you and help bring in 2013, for a limited time, use the code FBFAN13 in my Etsy shop to receive 13% off your total!

If you are here, but not a fan of my Facebook page, please head over there and like it for all the deals, photos and updates!

Thanks again,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Latest Creations

And of course I know there were more, but they are loaded on my other computer...maybe I will load those later on! Thanks for looking!